Lacto-fermenting in the South of France! Tessa has been working with Valentina Karga and a host of micro-organisms on a new project involving fermentations buried in the ground. It’s part of a curatorial project by Jussi Koitela, Entanglements, Embodiments, Positions,… Read more ›
In Brussels this (northern hemisphere) summer, the Parckdesign 2016 festival made time in its closing days for a low-key session of Making Time. I’ve been working away in the festival’s medicinal garden and distillation laboratory since the rainy months of May &… Read more ›
Spiced Pickled Onions – 1st Draft Anita’s original notes with some amendments. [Posted first on 6 Jars] Some reflection on tasting the pickled onions given the initial recipe (pouring in the heated vinegar): the onions taste pretty damn good, not at… Read more ›
Ingredients: Pickling cucumbers (the fresher the better, preferably unwaxed firm pickling ones) garlic dill brine (white vinegar, water and salt) – to one litre of water add: pickling salt (220g) & white vinegar (1 cup) Wash cucumbers in cold water, then shove into a… Read more ›