Composting Feminisms #25: Speculative Fermentation [film screening]
To make this film, Brussels director Fabrizio Terranova spent time with Donna Haraway – eminent feminist thinker and historian of science – at her home in Northern California, constructing a unique cinematographic portrait that troubles the borders between theory, science fiction and reality. A depiction of powerful thought in motion, Story Telling for Earthly Survival (2016) mixes storytelling, archival imagery and fabulation in the Californian forest.
Making Time is currently back in residence at Frontyard, sewing more & more books, and we’re very excited to be hosting this special film screening on Tuesday 24 April at 6:30pm in partnership with our friends Composting Feminisms. Mapping an ongoing practice of speculative fermentation, the Making Time book picks up on Haraway’s adaptive concept of SF as ‘the patterning of possible worlds and possible times, material-semiotic worlds, gone, here and yet-to-come’. Haraway’s SF is also ‘practice and process … becoming-with each other in surprising relays’, much like the alchemic business of food preservation, involving countless organisms in relation, responsive operations and transformative ingestions.
Come and see Terranova’s extraordinary film in its very first Sydney screening!
BYO a copy of Haraway’s book Staying with the Trouble (if you have one) just in case!
“A rare, candid, intellectual portrait of a highly original thinker; Haraway is a gifted storyteller who paints a rebellious and hopeful universe teeming with critters and trans species in an era of disasters.”—Concreta Journal